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How to Find A Talent Agent?

If you are an aspiring model and at some point in your career you will need to hire an agent. Here at NVE Agency, we’ll help you build on the work you have already done to book more modeling jobs and help you rise in the field. A booking agent handles busy work like contracts so you can focus your energy on perfecting your craft. Here are the things you need to do on how to find one:


1. Find contact information.

  • You’ll need to be able to contact agents and agencies directly. Looking through local directories is a good start, but visiting the agency websites is crucial learning about the agency, who its clients are, and the work it does can help narrow your search.

  • Another way to find agents is to look up who represents other talented people in your field. You should target people who are similar to you or do work close to what you do or want to do to find the best agent for your career. Once you have the name of a client or agency, you can search for them directly.

  • Start local. If you are just getting started in the modeling industry, it will be more difficult to get signed by a big talent agency. Smaller, more local agencies may be just as good for getting your foot in the door, getting gigs on your resume, and paving the way for bigger representation later.

2. Target a specific agent in an agency.

  • You don’t want to send an impersonal letter to the whole agency. Instead, try to target one agent who you think you would work well with, and who may have the background to help you advance your career.

  • Do not contact multiple people in the same agency, as that will make you appear desperate and unprofessional.

3. Study the agent’s affiliations.

  •  When you start researching an agent, examine the groups she is connected with and any licenses she has. This can be a good way for you to make sure the person you are dealing with has the right connections and background. Plus, if she is tied to other groups like a performers’ union, the union can provide additional information.

  • Some more prominent professional trade groups for agents include the ATA and the National Association of Talent Representatives.


4. Write a cover letter.

  • This is a professional business, so you will need to act professionally when contacting agencies. Make sure your package has a brief cover letter that discusses your experience and interest in being represented by that agency. One page should be enough.

  • Make your letter specific. Once you find an agent to send your materials to, tailor your letter to address her directly. Be sure to explain not just why you would be good for her agency, but her in particular. Of course, be careful to take care of little details like spelling the agent’s name correctly.

5. Send a follow-up email.

  • Agents are busy people who receive many letters every day and may not be able to respond. If you haven’t heard anything back, including a rejection, send a follow-up note. This is a good way to help your name rise above the pile and make it more likely you get a response from the agency.

  • Your note should be brief, more of a reminder. A simple email saying “I just wanted to check and see if you had a minute to look over my submission,” gives the agent something to look for.

If you are lucky, the agent may respond without prompting. In most cases, though, if you have not heard anything for two weeks, it is probably best to send a follow-up reminder.

Remember, finding a talent agent is challenging. Like anything else in the entertainment business, don’t be surprised if you get rejected. If that does happen, take it in stride and focus on the next potential agent. The more people you contact, the more likely you are to eventually find one.

Looking for a perfect talent agent for you? We’d love to help!

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